Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to FS101 👋

    2. How to use the Course Player

    3. Open Office Hours

    4. Free Coaching

    5. Core Documents

    6. SISTEMA Cookbook 1 - From the schematic circuit diagram to the Performance Level – quantification of safety functions with SISTEMA

    7. Additional reference documents

    8. FS101 Presentation Slides & Notes

    1. Origins of functional safety

    2. Origins quiz

    3. Functional safety life cycle

    4. Safety life cycle quiz

    5. Lesson Quality Survey

    1. Where to start

    2. Risk Assessment Review

    3. Setting the Scope

    4. Setting the scope quiz

    5. Design limits: Intended use and foreseeable misuse

    6. Design limits quiz

    7. Hazard Identification

    8. Hazard Identification Exercise

    9. Hazard identification quiz

    10. Estimating Likelihood

    11. Probability & Likelihood quiz

    12. Task-Hazard Lists

    13. Task-hazard quiz

    14. Hazardous Situations and Events

    15. Hazardous Situations quiz

    16. Understanding the Hierarchy of Controls

    17. Hierarchy of Controls quiz

    18. Example Risk Assessment Worksheets

    19. Case Study

    20. Lesson Quality Survey

    21. Chapter quiz

    1. What is a Safety Function?

    2. Safety function into quiz

    3. Example Safety Functions

    4. Optional extra reading: “Out of Control: Why Control Systems go Wrong and How to Prevent Failure - HSG238"

    5. Example safety function quiz

    6. Mapping Risk Parameters to Functional Safety Parameters: The Risk Scale

    7. Mapping: Risk Scale quiz

    8. Mapping Risk Parameters to Functional Safety Parameters: The Functional Safety Scale

    9. Mapping: Functional Safety scale quiz

    10. Mapping Risk Parameters to Functional Safety Parameters: The Parameter Map

    11. What About the "O" Parameter?

    12. Optional extra reading: Linking Risk and Reliability - Nix, Chinniah, Dosio, Fessler, Schrever

    13. Chapter quiz

    1. Developing the SRS - Limits

    2. Developing the SRS - Limits quiz

    3. Developing the SRS - the Safety Function Description

    4. Safety Function Description quiz

    5. Drafting the SRS for a Safety Function

    6. Worked Example SRS

    7. SISTEMA Cookbook 6 - Definitions of Safety Functions - What is important?

    8. Chapter quiz

    1. What is a "Failure Rate"?

    2. Failure rate quiz

    3. Understanding Performance Levels

    4. Performance level quiz

    5. Interlock Architectures – A little history

    6. Circuit Architecture History quiz

    7. Architecture, DC and MTTFD Selection

    8. Architecture, DC and MTTFD selection quiz

    9. Introducing Architectural Categories

    10. Introducing the Architectural Categories quiz

    11. Understanding Reliability Block Diagrams

    12. Understanding Category B

    13. Cat. B quiz

    14. Understanding Category 1

    15. Cat. 1 quiz

    16. Understanding Category 2

    17. Understanding Category 3

    18. Understanding Category 4

    19. SISTEMA Cookbook 4 - When the Architectures Don't Match

    20. Chapter quiz

About this course

  • $1,499.00
  • 102 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Doug Nix, C.E.T., SM-IEEE '14

Machinery Safety Specialist

Doug is the main instructor for machinery safety and regulatory compliance topics. Specializing in industrial machinery, Doug has more than 35 years of experience in risk assessment, control systems design, functional safety and standards development. Sharing what he has learned over his career has become a passion while providing training to technicians, technologists and engineers. Besides providing consulting services to clients, Doug also writes for the Machinery Safety 101 blog, Doug co-owns Compliance inSight Consulting, and the Machinery Safety 101 blog with his partner and best friend, Kimberly Nix.

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